Thursday, February 2, 2012

Relationship/family update

So Hubs and I had a *massive* blow-out on Sunday night.

Some things were said that we didn't mean and I said some things that I hadn't revealed before.

While it sucked in the midst of it and during the aftermath for a bit -- it was also very cathartic.

Since that night, we've actually been communicating better than we have in ages.  And, the best part is that Hubs has even been initiating some of these conversations about how I am feeling about things and what we want to accomplish and work on etc...

It's more like the way we used to communicate in the earlier years of our relationship (we've been together for 5 years).

I think the combination of  the Ciprolax and the Wellbutrin is working well for him.

We are trying to have a week of no yelling and we've made "time out cards" for each of us (except Baby Girl) to try to use when things are starting to get heated.

Hopefully it helps :>

Also, Baby Girl has an appointment at KidsAbility later this month to have her speech development assessed so I'm glad that is being taken care of (I put her on a waiting list in late 2011).

Little Man is on a waiting list for some ABA work.  And he's doing well on his daily dose of 30 mg of Biphentin (to help him focus and control his impulses) plus 3 mg of Melatonin before bed to help him sleep.

Rhyme Girl is back in therapy and her mother has been taking her - though Hubs needs to push to find out what the counselor recommends...

I have an appointment with my family DR to discuss anti-depressants tomorrow and my next therapy appointment is on the 9th.

Right now I am drinking a protein packed smoothie and then I've got some tidying up to do.

Here's hoping everyone is well.

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