Her height/length is 30.75 inches
According to a baby growth percentile calculator that means for her age that she is:
Length = between percentile 50 and 75
Weight = between percentile 25 and 50
She fell asleep in the car afterwards (she had her Pneumoccal conjugate vaccination but we declined the chicken pox vaccine).
Since she was asleep - we went for a drive though the less populated areas nearby and saw a turtle (which I stopped and took a photo of).
Then she and Little Man played outside and she had her first independent ride on the teeter-totter (Little Man was on the other side) but Baby Girl held on all by herself!
Her next appt at the DR is Tues., Sept 27th at 10:30 a.m.
In other news, Little Man got his report card. He is advancing to Grade 4 in September.
His highest grades were in French (A in writing, A - in oral communication & B+ in reading) compared to his English grades (C+ in writing, B- in oral communication & B in reading) and that C+ was the lowest grade that he received.
The deal we have with the kids is that they get $2 for each A (whether or not it's an A+, an A- or a regular A) and $1 for each B so he's got a $21 dollar report card.
And earlier today, I did my 5k at the track with Baby Girl and I edited this post at 8:07 p.m. to list my steps for the day -- 9738 steps.
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