Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pics from the party

So these aren't all the pics from today but they are a portion of them.

It ended up working out OK... although the bulk of the guest didn't arrive until closer to 3:30 so Baby Girl was rather tired and cranky.

I got a lot of compliments from the family on how I am looking, even though I was having a bit of a bad hair day and my shirt, which I thought looked very pretty on me when looking in the mirror did not do flattering things to my torso as evidenced by the pics I am in...

Step-Daughter has asked to have the shirt if I am not going to wear it anymore (because, yes, it will fit her because although she is shorter than me and weighs about 75 lbs less than I do -- her frame is very different than mine so she usually needs to wear a ladies L in shirts (like I wear most of the time now).

Am tired and we are all going with Hubs to take Step-Daughter back to her mother's tomorrow so that we can also visit Hubs' parents so they can see Baby Girl.

G'night my friends!


  1. Great pics!

    I think the top looks nice on has great colours.

  2. Great pics, everyone looks really happy- glad it went well!

