Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weight update...

weight:  220.6 lbs

Not a lot of loss this week but I'm wondering if all the walking + the smidge of jogging/running is building some lean muscle mass for me??

We're kicking around the house atm... step-daughter is working on a speech for school.  Hubs is heating up soup.  Son is doing kung fu stances.  Baby Girl is chewing on her index finger.  I am blogging.

The kids really want to go to the track so I think tonight (if the kids are good) our whole household will go to the track.

Hubs can push Baby Girl in the stroller so I can go whatever speeds I am comfortable with and Step-Daughter will likely keep pace with her Daddy whilst I suspect Son will run around as fast as he possibly can for the first little while and then he'll likely keep pace with me.

1G1D1Y & M. are going too - though I don't know if they are bringing any of their kids along tonight.

Now if the kids start driving me batty - then they can stay home with Hubs.

Oh and Hubs said he was up to 184 the other day, but his weight frequently fluctuates.  Also, he doesn't follow portion control and such as much as I do.

I would LOVE to end up weighing less than Hubs and maintaining at a weight less than his.

That is the plan!!!