Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Ho-Ho and all that stuff!

Been up since 7:30 a.m.

Hubs, Son and Baby Girl are all pretty sick.

Step-Daughter and I are OK so far.

small drop in weight this a.m. and still no action in the BM department... :(

weight: 226.4 lbs

Baby Girl's new Pjs

Son's fav Santa present

Hubs' new PJ bottoms

Bailey's chocolate & I have new PJs in the bag

Baby Girl trying to get at her PJs

Step-daughter and one of her cool Santa presents


  1. That sucks that your fam is sick on Christmas! I hope they feel better soon.

  2. Hope you and the SD remain illness free.

    But good on you for the loss during the most fattening time of the year.

  3. LOL... my son got the same exact star wars kit... hes playing with it as I write this.
