Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30 days of songs - Day 7

day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event

"I only get goosebumps when the weird part comes!"

This is a song that S-girl and I loved from the first time we heard it on American satellite radio when we were house-sitting for her Mom... we were in an altered state, in super-comfy chairs after having watched the original version of "Hairspray" for the umpteenth time because watching Divine's boobs move independently of one another was (and still is) hilarious!

Touched by VAST (Visual Audio Sensory Theatre)

Still to come:

day 08 - a song that you know all the words to
day 09 - a song that you can dance to
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
day 11 - a song from (one of) your favorite band(s)
day 12 - a song from a band you hate
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love
day 15 - a song that describes you
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
day 19 - a song from your favorite album
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty
day 29 - a song from your childhood
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year


  1. I have literally never heard that song in my entire life. I must be too busy listening to Madonna on my iPod. ;O)
