Friday, December 24, 2010


Since we have to be at my birth Mom's by 10 a.m. tomorrow and Son is being picked up by his father between noon and 1 p.m. I was just talking to Hubs on the phone and we are considering the possibility of letting the kids open their gifts this afternoon/tonight and then they'll just have Santa stuff to open in the a.m.

Then that would actually give them time to play with some things...



  1. that's actually how we do it.. all "family" gifts done on Christmas eve.. santa on Christmas morning..

  2. We do that kinda.. we open a few on Christmas Eve, with my brother and sister-in-law here.. and then I get a few more in the morning to open with my parents.. :)

  3. Do what works for you and your family. Christmas is about togetherness and doing your thing, not rules and regulations.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. When I was growing up we always got one present on Xmas Eve and everything else had to wait for morning whereas in Hubs' family it was everything on Xmas day.

    But Hubs and Step-daughter are STILL en route home (they left Step-daughter's town at 1 p.m.) so they've been on the road for almost 3 hrs because traffic sucks.

    I definitely think we should do it all tonight!

  5. Hi Digger!

    I am OK - just waiting for Hubs to sort out how to hook up the Wii to our really old TV. For the moment, the kids are saying, "This is the best Christmas EVER!!!"

    But I could seriously just go to bed right now!!!

    How are you?
