Wednesday, December 8, 2010

blog hop


  1. I can never figure out how to post this blog hop thing on my blog. I tried once but it didn't work. Help?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After you enter your link, you go back to the original page and then click on the "get the code here" then you paste that code into an html post on your blog.

    ***script src="" type="text/javascript" XX***/scriptXX

    that's the code but replace *** with a < and XX with a >

  4. Frak - I can't post the code... it keeps giving me errors.

  5. I tried that and it didn't work last time I tried it....let me try it again...

  6. Argh I just tried it again - no joy. I think wordpress is just having fun with me. It just shows nothing now, actually. I go into html mode, past the code, and switch to visual - nothing. So I published it and then checked to see if maybe it would work then...nope, an empty post.
