
Saturday, November 6, 2010

I've been tagged again

I noticed today that I was tagged by Stacey.

Remember, this is how it works:  I have to answer the 4 questions that Stacey gave me and then I ask 4 different questions to 4 other people. However; I am not going to tag anyone - instead, answer the questions if you so choose.

1. Do you have a plan to reward yourself along your weight loss journey and if so what are your rewards along the way?

I actually do not have a reward plan - though I have had to spend money on some exercise clothes and supplies.  This does not mean I do not reserve the right to change my mind and reward myself down the road though!

2. What would you say is your greatest achievement in life and your greatest failure?

Greatest achievement is easily my kids.  Ever since I was a child, I wanted to be a Mom.
My greatest failure is the fact that I am a victim of fear and it holds me back from other things (the big dream is to finish ANYTHING fictional that I start writing and get it published but I haven't gotten to a place of courage yet.)

3. Is there anything you'd like to change about yourself other than your weight?

I hate my teeth.  My parents couldn't afford braces when I was a kid so they went the retainer route and I still have quite the overbite and despite my brushing, my teeth are always kind of yellowy even though I don't smoke and don't drink coffee.

4. If you had to dye your hair a wild color (not blonde, brown, auburn, etc) such as pink, blue, green, etc, what color would you pick to show the world who you are inside?

Always purple.  I love having purple hair!  The top pic is from Aug 2005 and the second is from Nov 2005 (because the fade out colour of the F/X dye is also awesome)

New Questions for those who want to answer some.

1.  If you could change one thing about the country you live in, what would it be?
2.  If you could choose what time you lived in for your teen years, what years would they be and why?
3.  Tell me a secret.
4.  What TV show do you wish had NEVER been aired?


  1. I LOVE your hair!!! Purple was my choice when I thought up that question.

    Have you tried doing NaNoWriMo? I've never written anything but small short stories but I'm trying to write a novel for NaNo. You try to write a 50,000 novel in November. No editing, no rewrites, etc. Just go hell for leather in an attempt to finish the first draft. I'm way behind on the words per day but I'm hoping to catch up.

  2. I completed NaNoWriMo in 2005 or 2006 but what I wrote turned into something pretty dark and disturbing to me. Not what I wanted to write, if you know what I mean.

  3. P.S. Thanks re: my hair.

    OK, maybe I will reward myself with going THAT purple again when I get to goal...
